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Dec. 22  9

Sarah A. Pendleton, Liberty Hill, near Port Royal, Caroline Co. Va

Miss Hatch of Fredericksburg informs me that you are teaching a school at Liberty Hill. If so will you forward me reports of your school on the last day of each month. I send you blanks for that purpose. Are you employed by any society? If not I will try to help you a little. 

Please write me a letter. What sort of a building is your school in? Who runs it. How large is it? 

Yours Truly, 
R. M. Manly
Supt Education



Dec. 22  9

B. Basset Wilkes, Charlie Hope P.O. 

Dear Sir: In reply to yours of the 11th. You say “There is no school in this vicinity”. E.B. Jones has a school which I had supposed was at Charley Hope. 

Please give me a more definite statement 
1st as to the location of the proposed school. 
2d Of the no. of pupils who will attend
3d Of what the pupils or their Parents will do to aid in the support of the school.
4th in regard to the building in which the school will be held. — Size and condition of the room — ownership of the building — is any rent to be paid for the use of it &c— 

After answers to the above questions I will be better prepared [[& answer?]]; though I
may say now that our Govt. cannot do much —

Yours &c
R.M. Manly
Supt Ed.

Transcription Notes:
Charlie Hope Plantation, aka Charlie's Hope, is/was in Brunswick Co. VA where Wilkes lived and is buried.