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Dec. 29  9

J.E. Lazenby 

Dear Sir

I enclose $10. from the Peabody Fund, to discharge its obligations to you for the months of Nov. & Dec. 

If this falls short of the letter, it more than fulfills the spirit of my promise to you, and is more, I fear than Dr. Sears will sustain me in doing. Last year, when I had from him, double the amount of this year he expected me to show an average attendance of four pupils for each dollar expended, and I must produce better results this year. In promising you $10. of course I had in mind a school not smaller than your last years school.

I hope, in the future, your expectations in regard to attendance will be realized, as I have to show Dr. Sears results for his money

Yours Truly,
R. M Manly
Supt Ed