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1st The location is very unfavorable. It is in the country, fourteen miles from Petersburg, the nearest rail-road station. It is in the "lean belt" of Virginia, between the Piedmont and Tidewater region, where the soil, naturally thin is much worn, and requires the use of fertilizers. Both from the location and the nature of the soil, the least profitable forms of farming must be pursued, and such as girls could not assist in.

2nd Such an enterprise requires great skill and experience in its engagement and a financial basis in some responsible charitable organization widely known and trusted by the churches and the public. This enterprise has neither. It is no disparagement to any of the gentlemen named as the trustees, to say that none of them have had experience in school matters. Indeed they have not accepted the responsibility proposed to be put upon them, and have no plans or purposes in the matter. Mrs. Smith concedes that the responsibility of providing for the school could be with her. Her faith that she could 

Transcription Notes:
Try again, please, and please read word by word to catch everything. -- Beth