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Jan. 3d  0

F.E. Dow Esq

Dear Sir: 

Yours of Dec. 27 is recd. The deed was forwarded to you Dec. 14. A new lot and a new deed will be equally acceptable to me. I [[must?]] leave the choice of lot to you who know and are interested.

The vouchers and contracts have been recd. I signed the contracts as soon as recd and forwarded them to Washington as directed, together with the vouchers, properly signed and endorsed to draw the funds.

The funds have not yet been recd.

I understand the terms "partial construction" as you seem to, i.e. you can help from any source you please; but the $700 is to be paid for a completed house — ready for use.

Yours Truly
R. M Manly
Supt Ed.

Transcription Notes:
Your of Dec. 27 is record. The deed was forwarded you Dec. 14.