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Dec. 6  0

Mrs. J.S. Lowell

Dear Madam

In making up your rental account put in all your schools and teachers, and give against each the average attendance of that school for the three months. You are to charge rental for the Alexandria schools, the same as for the others. After you have done this, of course, I have to have deductions if the application of the rule makes it necessary. 

Make out the account in duplicate, so that I can retain one copy and send one to Washington. 

Mr. Davis has gone to Halifax C.H. expecting an appointment from the Episcopal Com. 

Williams prefers not to teach any more. I enclose his rect. I also enclose evidences of $15 advanced to your teachers by Mr. Jones and by me refunded to him. Mr. J. is now among your schools.

Yours Truly
R M Manly
Supt Ed