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Jan. 8  0

Rev. B. Sears D.D.
Gen. Agt. &c

Dear Sir:

In yours of the 19th July last promising $2000 for the first half of the scholastic year, you give some reason to hope for an additional amount when the Trustees meet in Jan. 

I cannot express the earnestness of my hope that an additional appropriation will be made for the Colored schools of Va. I give three reasons which do not need amplification vis:

1. The school law (The New Constitution) has not yet recd the breath of life, and nothing practically can be done under it for schools, for a long time after it shall have gone into effect. 

2. The charitable societies have discontinued many important schools for want of means to continue them.

3. The failure of the corn-crop over half the state and the small tobacco crop

Transcription Notes:
Note: vis as spelled in original for viz -- Beth