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Jan. 9  0

J.W. Cromwell

Dear Sir:
Yours of the 6th is at hand. I am glad to hear of the prospect for a lot. An acre is more land than is really needed, and it makes the lot expensive, and leaves a trust deed on it. It is bad to build a house on land not paid for,— in fact I do not know that Gen. H. would consent, as in case of default of payment, land and house both go to the former Owner.

Of course the size and character [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] of the house is to be determined entirely by the amount of money available at the time we are ready to build.

The first thing is to secure the lot, and that will not spoil by keeping, if it should be necessary to wait, which I hope it will not be.

Mr. Spencer will send Bank papers as soon as recd. He is out now.

Yours Truly
R.M. Manly
Supt Ed—