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Jan. 13  70

Mrs. J.S Lowell 
Dear Madam:
Yours of the 10th enclosing check for $15. is recd—

I have you requested Mr. Alvord to send you to blanks for Rental Acts. They are furnished to societies directly from that office— I have none of them.

Very Respy—
Yours &c
Supt Ed



Jan 13  70

Rev. J.W. Alvord
Gen. Supt.

I have the honor to request that you will forward to Mrs. J.S. Lowell, North Shore N.Y. and to R. R. Carson, 711 [[San?]] St. Phil. a supply of Blanks, Ed. form No. 5.

They have applied to me and I have none

Very Respy
R.M. Manly
Supt. Ed.