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Jan 15 70
Rev W.B. Derrick
Blacksburg Montgomery Co.
The Bureau must distribute its assistance to the different counties and not do largely for one and little or nothing for another. Montgomery County is already having its full share, and with the limited means at hand, I shall not be able to ass't you.
Yours Truly
R.M. Manly
Supt Ed

Jan 15 70
H. Adde Hennemann
143 Mercer St. N.Y.
Dear Sir:
Yours of the 7th inst. with enclosure is rec'd. The appointment of teachers is with the various societies and not with me. I should be very glad to have you employed in Virginia, and hope Rev. Wm. Webb will yet be able to send you out.
There are places greatly needing teachers and where the freed people will provide for the teachers board, but the only compensation beyond that which is in my power to control, is $15. per month. If you are willing to make a begining at that rate you may come on and other compensation may afterwards be had.
Yours Truly
R.M. Manly
Supt Ed. Va.