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Jan, 15  70
G.T.F. Boulding
Funds are getting low and I shall not be able to pay more than $5. per month toward your school. If you wish to go on, depending upon the people for the rest, you must write and let me know and send your report on the last day of last month. 
Yours &c
R.M. Manly
Supt Ed



Jan. 15 70
Rev. H. Hyde
Independent Hill, Prince Wm Co. Va.
Dear sir: I thank you for this trouble you are taking in the matter of the schoolhouse. It is quite too late this year for me to be able to get society to send a teacher to you this school yet. Nevertheless if you can find any person, in your neighborhood, whom you judge capable to teach for what the people can do and $6 or $8. per per month which I will give, I will be ready to proceed at once with the school house. But I am not at liberty to proceed except upon the clear certainty of the immediate opening of a school, and I see no way to secure a teacher than the above
Yours Truly
R.M. Manly
Supt. Ed