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Jan. 15 0

Miss Jesse H. Rupert
New Market. Shenandoah Co.

On Dec. 4 Ult a letter written by Rev. Edward Hale of Boston in reference to your school was forwarded to me from Gen. Howards office.  Mr. Hale's letter asks that  assistance may be given in providing a school house for you.  I was instructed to investigate and report. I addressed you immediately at "New Market, Nelson Co." not being aware at the time that there was another New Market.  Very recently I have been requested by Rev. Dr. Smith of the Amer. Miss. Ass'n N.Y. to forward you blank reports to be filled out and forwarded to me. 

Please write giving me full information in regard to your school, its character, no. of pupils, means of support &c.  Also in regard to your school-house - what you have and what you require.  Fill out and forward a report at once, for December also.

Very Respy
R.M. Manly 
Supt Education Va.

S.22, Vol. 2/69.