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Jan 17th 70

L.A. Birchett

I am sorry you have been obliged to discontinue.
There is a school house unoccupied near Mr. Carr's in Dinwiddie, where you might teach - though the people there are very poor.

At Indian Town, King Wm. Co. (near Fish Haul Station on the York River R.R.) is a good opening for a teacher.  The people will board you, and I will extend the usual assistance.

Yours &c
R.M. Manly
Supt Ed.


January 17th 70

Mr. Norbert A. Wicker
Pittsylvania CH. Va


Your letter of 14th inst. is rec'd.  The people must not fail you in the matter of board and rent - I can do nothing in that direction.  I will aid them in the erection of a school house, if they are in earnest to have one and that will save them the necessity of paying rent.

Yours respty
R.M. Manly
Supt of Ed