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Jan. 18  0

Geo. C. Round Esq

Dear Sir: 

I thank you very sincerely for the interest and trouble you take in the matter of schools.  Thomas has not yet sent his report.  No checks are sent off until Reports are rec'd.  I hope he and the other teachers will remember that the prime condition of help for the Bureau is to forward a Report on the last day of each month.  Further I am held responsible for an attendance of not less than 30 pupils for each $10. of rent paid.  I doubt if it will be practicable to increase the schools further, as I am beginning to see the bottom of the "pile";  and I hope the teachers all will feel a deep [[strikethrough]]deep[[/strikethrough]] interest to keep their schools full.

I am sorry to notice that Miss Spears had an average attendance of but 17 in Dec.

Instead of an appropriation for Brentsville repairs I will have the rent commence Jan. 1, and the $5. gained will pay for lumber & nails, and somebody will make the benches

Yours Truly
R.M. Manly
Supt Ed