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Jan. 22  70

Wm. T. Coleman

I have never rec'd but one report from you - that was for November and the size  of your school (only 19 scholars) is below the size for which rent is paid.   Rent is paid only on schools which have an average daily attendance of 30 pupils or upward.

Mr. Hunter was not authorized to employ you except on this condition; and you have not met the conditions of his letter.  That is to make regular reports.  It is of no use to write any more letters.  The aid does not allow me to pay anything for a school of 19 scholars. 

Yours &c
R.M. Manly
Sup. Ed.

Jan. 22 70

Mrs. J.S. Lowell

Dear Madam

I will send blanks as requested.  Please let Jennings resign at the end of this month.  I think I can supply a much better teacher in his place from the N.E. Branch Normal School at Charlottesville.  I have an application in hand from a smart well educated young man, at that educated school.

I think there is not the slightest doubt about the continuance of the rental. 

Yours Truly
R.M. Manly

Are you not entitled to come down here and see something of what you have been doing.  We should all be very happy to see you, and show our "lions", and to have my house your home while you will stay.