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for Mary Conyers.  I do hope your your good young people will prefer to work (in teaching I mean) whether they get much pay or not.  I hope they will think it pay enough, to have an opportunity to show what stuff they are made of, and to establish, where they may go, such a good character for skill and earnestness, that the people will not willingly spare them.  If they will act thus it will be the beginning of fortune and great success.  I would be glad to know what they think of it;  I may have something further to write on the return of my Asst. Supt. from a tour he is on in the country.  As I have replied so fully in this I hope Robert will excuse me for not writing directly to him.  This is for him.

Yours Truly
R.M. Manly
Supt Ed

P.S.  Since writing the above I have rec'd. a letter which furnishes a good place for Robert in "Tunstalls" on the York River R.R. and I think an additional $5. per month.



January 22d  0

Bvt. Major Gen'l O.O. Howard USA


I have the honor to request an appropriation of Seventy five (75) Dollars to aid in erecting a Freedmen's School House in Caroline County Va, five (5) miles from Hanover C.H., Va.

I am, General
Very respectfully
Your obt Servt
R.M. Manly
Supt. of Ed

W74 - 1st Vol/70