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185. 377
Jan. 23

M.E. Shearman. Astuary Va.
Esteemed Friend: Your communication to Genl. Howard and a copy of his reply to you, have been forwarded to me, for a recommendation, looking to an equitable adjustment.
For the quarter ending Dec 31, 1869, I propose to recommend as follows: viz: Give you the benefit of rental on the Danville schools, but disallow it at Clarksville, Charlotte and Wytheville, on account of the palpable impropriety of the Govt. paying rent twice on the same buildings
Thus you will get rental for 18 teachers, three months = $540.
To provide for the future (from Jan. 1.) I propose that the Danville buildings be sold to you for a nominal sum, and that you pay the rents (or have the Freedmen do it) at Clarksville, $6, Charlotte $8, and Wytheville, $12. Then you will squarely be entitled to rental on all your schools. If the foregoing suits you, please make out your rental acct. again (make it in duplicate) putting no charge against the Danville, Clarksville, Charlotte and Wytheville, but distributing $540 among the other schools, and forward to me and I will send it on with my recommendation.
Very Truly
Your Friend R.M. Manly
Super Ed.