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February 2  0
Rev. W.B. Derrick
Dear Sir: I have read your letters of the 24th & 28th Jan. You err in several respects. 1st is you are mistaken in supposing that I care anything for the politics or religious opinions of teachers or preachers, so far as influencing my conduct in extending the aid of the Bureau is concerned. I have never had any information in regard to your politics.
2. You are mistaken in supposing, as you seem to, that I have the means to do all I might wish to do. There above 30 counties in this state that have not a single school; many others have but one, and the means allowed me for this year are so nearly exhausted that I cannot open or help sustain any more new schools. If you can persuade the Government to give me plenty of money, I can help all the counties.
If you had asked in time you would have had help. How could I know 17 months ago, or 10 or 6 months ago that you or your community wanted aid? It is less than four weeks since I first heard from you, and that was after all the arrangements for the year were made.
Yours &c