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265  0/
Feb. 5 70
Mr H. Boyd- Oakley P.O. Mechanicsburg Co.

The Bureau has no books and is not at liberty to purchase them. The only way I can get books is to buy them at the store with my private funds.

I can get spelling Books and Elementary Readers at 10 cts each, which is one half the ordinary price. You can send me the money for as many as you like and I will forward them to you.
Yours Truly
R.M. Manly 
Supt Ed.

Feb 5th 70
Mr. Moulten
Melrose, Prince Geo. Co.

Dear Sir:
I am not starting any new schools from lack both of Govt. funds and Peabody funds. I shall not be able to enlarge the work any more this year.
Yours &c
R.M. Manly
Supt Ed