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273 0/
Feb. 10 70
Miss E Gilchrist
Lexington Va

We are paying $10. per month rent on your school house to the Presbyterian Miss. (Rev. Dr. Hatfield N.Y.) We cannot therefore pay another rent.
Very Resply
R.M. Manly
Supt of Ed

Have sent you Blanks.
Please fill out and forward on the last day of each month hereafter.

272 0/
Feb. 10 70
Miss Roberta D. Sartt

I have already read notice, as I learned I should, from Washington, that any funds are nearly run out, and I am obliged to discontinue a good many schools. We can only continue yours through this month.

Your &e
R. M. Manly
Supt of Ed. 

You would not have found it difficult to find my offices by inquiring at my house or of almost any of the [[?]] people