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373.   515/655 
    Feb. 26  70
Miss Amelia Mead
  Yours of the 23d is at hand.  If there is a suitable place in which to hold the proposed school in Amelia Co. and if the people there will be at the expense of boarding the teacher, there will be some chance to get a school.  These are the general conditions insisted on, and necessary, in most of the Country Schools.  I could probably secure $10. or $12. per month as salary, but nothing for board or traveling expenses. They must make themselves sure of school-room and board, before undertaking the school
   R. M. Manly
   Supt Ed.

372.   222/608
     Feb. 26th  70
Mr. O. M. Waring  Winchester, Va
   Your letter of 22d inst. is received.
   Reports are on file from all places named therein with the exception of the Strasburg and Lovetteville schools from which no reports have ever been received.
   Yours et cetera
   R. M. Manly
   Supt of Ed
1st Vol 1870-