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405.  579/603

March 4th 0 [[1870]]

Bvt. Brig. Genl. Geo. W. Balloch
Chf. D.O.

I have the honor to enclose herewith for payment, the following vouchers, viz:
C.S. Schaeffer Services in Jan.          $99.17
C.S. Schaeffer Postage Jan               $ 3.50
C.S. Schaeffer Trip to Botetourt &c Cos. $74.70 
C.S. Schaeffer Services in Feb.          $49.56
C.S. Schaeffer Postage in Feb.           $ 4.50
C.S. Schaeffer Trip to Botetourt &c Cos. $19.50
Original order for trip to Botetourt, &c, Cos. Va, enclosed. Please endorse above payments thereon, and return it to this office, the trip not being completed.

Yours respectfully
R.M. Manly
Supt. of Ed

(19 Enclosures)  
W.70. 1st vol/70