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March 9  0
Caroline F. Putnam
Yours of the 14th is at hand. 
On March 9 I wrote to Parker and to Payne that I would aid them of the extent of $5. per month from Feb. 1. from the Peabody Fund, which is all I can do. I have some hesitancy about encouraging schools with such illiterate teacher, who cannot make out their own reports &c. 
On rec't of your last I paid $20. to Mr. Burton and forwarded you his rec't. 
Yours Truly
R.M. Manly
Supt Ed

March 17  0 
Mrs. H.M. Polkenns
138 East Capitol St. Washington DC
Dear Madam:
The only suitable place I know of for you to teach is Bowling Green, Caroline Co. The only sum in my power to pay is $15. per month. Of course the expectation is that the people will board their teacher. Two reasons seem to be against your commencing to teach so late in the season: viz. 1st the entire uncertainty of the continuance of Bureau aid so late as June, 2d It is the planting season. when the schools in the country are thinned out very low, and the people might not be able to board you. I fear that this is an uncertain reliance for you. 

Yours Truly
R.M. Manly
Supt Ed