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March 19  0

John H. Roane

Dear Sir: 

Yours of the 14th is recd.  I wrote you a long time ago that I had engaged a Miss Borges of Charlottesville.  I supposed she had gone to you before now, and I know of no reason why she has not.  I will write immediately to her and ascertain why she has not gone according to the arrangement.  I am sorry for the failure as it was the best and only arrangement I could make.

Yours Truly
R.M. Manly
Supt. Ed. Va


March 19  0

Jacob M. Ellis

Respected Friend

I have read the Report of Royal Mallard, Vienna, Fairfax Co., showing an enrollment for the month of only 13 pupils and a daily attendance of 10.  It seems to me that it is not profitable to continue in operation, schools when they become so much reduced.

You are aware I presume that the Bureau cannot pay "rental" on such schools.

R.M. Manly
Supt Education Va