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invite his attention to the following points viz:

1.  This is a city of 75,000 inhabitants (one half colored) - the political and Commercial Metropolis of the State, - the influential center whence ideas and laws emanate.  Its school buildings are yet to be erected, for the white and the colored schools.

2.  A good and suitable building for the head of the colored school, will compel (on the ground of self respect) the authorities to provide as good for the whites, and so elevate the whole system of school-house architecture.

3.  In a State where teaching is esteemed a humble profession at best, and teaching in colored schools contemptible - and where public free schools are looked down on, good school-houses will bring great relief and support to teachers and to the system.  Hence, your approval of the foregoing request is as earnestly desired by the special friends of the white schools, as by us. 

4.  The friends of the colored school feel that a first class school and building are not only due to the city and to the system but essential