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March 26  0

Miss Octavia R. Moss

I see that it is quite impossible to come to an understanding in reference to your school!  I cannot and will not write any more letters debating or explaining the matter.  I have tried to make you understand that I cannot pay more than $15 per month, on account of that school.  As that does not seem to be sufficient, I think the school had better close at once.  That will settle the question of rent on the school-house and will relieve you from teaching for an insufficient salary, and will close an unprofitable correspondence.

Yours Truly
R.M. Manly
Supt Ed


March 20th  0

Mr. Thos. L. Adams
King Wm. C.H., Va


Your favor of March 22d 1870 is received with vouchers.

They are returned herewith as no rent was due you for November 1869.

Yours &c
R M Manly
Supt of Ed
per CS

(2 Enclosures)