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[[2 Columned Table]]

| Abele A.P. | 4, |
| Alvord J. W. | 33, 106, 137, 141, 161, 215, 235, 259, 266, |

| Allard Joseph | 39, 84, 144, 388, |
| Alston Mr A.E. | 44, 122, 149 1/2 |
| Anderson Miss M. C. | 50, 131, 149 1/2,, 176, 283 |
| Armstrong S. C. | 52 1/2, 54, 82, 90, 91, 92, 98, 126, 147, 155, 163, 167, 210, 234, 288 1/2, 350, |

| Austin, Mr. | 97. |
| Atwell Cordelia A. | 212, |
| Armstead M. F. | 226, 242, 311, |
| Abington School House | 248, |
| Alexandria Normal School | 268, |
| Armstead, Mary F. | 377, |
| Am. Bap. Home M. S. | 407, |