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[[2 Columned Table]]

| Chandler Jr. G. Bvt Col | 2.|
| Cabell Mr | 3, 229. |
| Chula Station School House | 128 |
| Carter C. H. | 14, 78, 181, |
| Chapman Freeman | 18. |
| Crenshaw Jr. B. | 28, 69, 182, 275, 357, |
| Corson R. R. Col: | 30, 34, 352, |
| Chockley V. A. | 30, 62, 183, 286, 357, |
| Carter Chas. H. | 38. |
| Copeland James | 44, 169, 326, |
| Chase Miss N. M. | 49, 149 1/2, 177, 284, |
| Corey Rev: Chas. H. | 57, 120, 146, 187, 190, 219, 288, 349. |
| Cloferton E. A. J. | 59, 180, 275, 359, |
| Cook Giles B. | 71. |
| Cheney Mr. E. D. | 94, 122, [[132??]], 204, 225, 289.|
| Carlisle David | 112, |
| Childs A. W. | 128. 183 . 319, |
| Carter Nathaniel E. | 128. |
| Crab Creek School House | 133. |
| Christiansburg School House | 157, |
| [[strikethrough]] Craig Rev. Charles [[strikethrough]] ] --- |
| Cummings Miss K. | 225, 247, 248, 265, 311, 370, 391, |
| Camp F. V. | 226, 243, 299, 300, 301, 317, |
| Conyers Mary | 256, 260, |
| Courtney William J. | 261, |
| Chartlottesville Normal School | 267. |
| Clover Depot Schl Building | 291. |
| Chavis Jos: T. | 298. | 
| Corliss A. B. | 315, |
| Carter, J. J. | 319 |