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808. 0/288

[[CHECK MARK]] May 20

Emma F. Haslow

Dear Friend, I enclose $5 for April - delayed on account of the new receipt of funds in time.

I can only rent the house from the first of the month. The rent goes to you for salary. I will want immediate application for permission to extend $40 in repairs of your house. When you receive the money you can expend it how you judge best.

I am sorry that you have fared so poorly in the past. But our accounts with the gov't are settled as we go along, and we can't go back.

I know nothing in regard to the future of the Peobody fund. What I have been expending was a grant simply for this year and will be all expended next month.

I will send you blank vouchers both for the repairs and the rent. Simply sign your name to the receipt at the bottom and nothing more, and return them at once.

Yours Truly
R.M Manly
Supt. Ed.