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[[4-column table]]
| When Recd | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter | Endorsement and Memorandum. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
|1869 June 17th., ✓6.| Armstrong, S. C. * ✓Filed (see W. 45, 1st vol 1869)| Hampton, VA. June 15th 1869.
Asks for 100 blanks for school reports.| --- |

|1869 June 25th., ✓7.|Assemblys four: on Freedmen by S. C. Logan * Sec. ✓Filed. Taken from file July 20th 1869 & forwarded to wash, see endorsement L. S. 300, 2d vol. 1869. (see A. 10, 1st vol 1869) (see M. 7, 1st vol. 1869) | Pittsburg, PA. June 23d, 1869. Forwards for approval Schedule of School for Freedmen, for quarter ending June 30th 1869.| Office Supt. of Ed. Ste of VA. Richmond Va July 20th 1869. 
Respectfully forwarded to Bvt. Major Gen. O.O.Howard, U.S.A., Commissioner,
Approved, with the following exceptions, viz:
Aurelia CH. Rent for one teacher disallowed in April and May -and entire rent disallowed in June - Average attendance April 33- May 30 - School closed in May. 
Aurelia Co. Rent for two teachers disallowed in April, May, and June -  Reports show only one Teacher, who sometimes was assisted by advanced scholars. R. M. Manly Supt. of Ed.|

|1869 June 26th ✓8 |Armstrong, S. C. * ✓Filed.| Hampton Va, June 23d 1869. Returns letter 233, stating that school at ✓Drummondtown - ✓Pringoteaque, and ✓Bridgeton are in session - that at ✓Edwards Farm is closed.| [[shared with row 7 & 9]] |

|1869 June 26th ✓9 | Austin, N. P. * ✓Filed. L. S. 295, 2nd. vol. 1869.| Lunanburg. C.H, Va, June 28th 1869 - States that rent (Mrs Smith's) for May has not been received -| [[shared with row 7 & 8]] |

|1869 July 4th ✓10| Assemblys Com on Freedmen * by S. C. Logan sec ✓Filed. (sec A.7,1st Vol 1869)|Pittsburg Penn. July 1st 1869. Remarks relative to schedule of schools and rental account.| --- |

|1869 July 22 ✓11| Amer: Bap't. Home Asso n/v by J. B. Simmons, Cov: Secy. (From War Dept.Bu:&c) Returned July 22/69.|New York, July 16th 1869 Writes that $500. or $600. should be appropriated by the Bureau for a school at ✓Farnham's CrossRoads, Va. Hates that he has directed Armistead M. Newman, now teaching at that place, to write full details to the Commissioner. | Bureau R. F. and A. L. Washington. July 20/69 Respectfully referred to Rev: ✓R. M. Manly, Supt of Education for Virginia, for remarks.-By order of Bvt. Maj. Genl O.O.Howard (signed) Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A.Genl Bureau R. F. and A. L. Office Dept. Education Richmond, Va. July 22/69 Respectfully returned to ✓Genl O.O.Howard, I am |