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A. 14. Vol 1/69.    Received back July 31/69
War Department, Bu. R. F. and A. L.
Washington July, 29th 1869

Respectfully returned to Rev. R. M. Manly; Supt of Education for Va. with copy of Act of Congress July 16th 1866. (See Sec. 12.) requested, enclosed. One copy of the Instrument of Transfer is also enclosed for delivery to the Trustees herein named. It will be noticed that the Instrument is not a conveyance of real estate, but simply a transfer of a building located on the real estate of the Trustees: and therefore, ordinarily, would not be entitled to record, either with or without  acknowledgement. The record of the transfer and the authority therefor, is at these Head Quarters. Besides, a question has arisen as to the authority of the Commissioner to dispose of Confederate Property, except at regular sale, but advantage is taken of the doubt for the benefit of the Educational interests represented by the Trustees. It is, therefore, not deemed either advisable or necessary to acknowledge the transfer as requested.

One copy of the enclosed Instrument has been retained for file in this office.~

By order of
Bvt. Major Genl O. O. Howard
(Signed) Henry M. Whittlesey
A. A. A. Genl.

Bureau R. F. and A. L.
Office Dept. Ed. St. of Va
Richmond, Va. July 31, 1869.

Respectfully returned to Alex P. Abell, Esqr., inviting attention to endorsement of the Bvt. Major Genl. Commissioner hereon, and requesting that the enclosed duplicate receipt for school house and deed be signed and returned to this office.~

R. W. Manly
Supt. of Education 

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