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[[4 columned table]]
| When Recd | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter | Endorsement and Memorandum. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1869, Aug 7th ✓ 17. | Abell Alexander P. * (Receipts filed.) (See L.S. 495. Vol 2/69.) ✓Filed | Charlottesville, Va. Aug 5th 1869. Returns The duplicate receipts, as requested. States, the Commissioner alludes to the "real estate" as the "property of the Trustees".~ Wishes to know how they obtained the right, what evidence there is of it, and where it can be found.~ |   |

| 1869 Aug 12 ✓ 18 | American Miss: Asso'n. by E.P. Smith * Genl. Field Agent (See L.S. 501. Vol 2/69.) ✓Filed. (Rental account forwarded to W.D. Bu. &c. See endorsement) | New York. Aug 6th.1869 Forwards rental accounts of schools at ✓Harpers Ferry, ✓Lexington ✓Martinsburg, Va, asks them approved and returned | A.16. Vol 1/69 L.B.  Richmond Va. Aug 16th 1869 Respectfully forwarded to Bvt. Major General O.O. Howard U.S.A. Commissioner, approved for One thousand and sixty (1060)  Dollars: being Fifty (50) Dollars less than amount of rental account. Difference caused by failure of total average attendance to cover the amount charged. R.M. Manly Supt of Education. |

| 1869 Sept 5 ✓ 19 |American Miss: Asson. by Ed: P. Smith * Genl. Field Agent (See endorsement) Communication ✓Filed Rental a/c forwarded | New York, September 1st 1869. Encloses Supplemental schedule for ✓Schools at Lexington, Va, to which the approval of the Supt. of Ed: for Va. is solicited~ | Richmond, Va. Septem 6th 1869  Respectfully forwarded to Bvt. Major Genl, O.O.Howard. U.S.A. Commissioner. -Approved. R.M. Manly Supt. of Education. |

| 1869 Sept 6 ✓20 | Amer: Freed: Union Com'r by Robt Corson Cor: Sec'y. ✓Filed. (sec "P.6.") L.S.595 2.2Vol/69 (Rental Acct forwd to W.D.Bu&c Sec endorsement) | Philadelphia Pa. September 3rd 1869 Encloses Rental Accounts of their Schools in Va; (Amount approved $1330) | Richmond, Va. Septem 10.1869  Respectfully forwarded to Bvt. Major Genl, O.O. Howard. U.S.A. Commissioner. -Approved.  R.M. Manly Supt. of Education. |
| Transferred to "D." Page 44. |   |   |   |

Transcription Notes:
Reopened to fix format.