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12  13               
[[4 columned table]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter | Endorsement and Memorandum |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
1869 May 30 ✓1 | Goulding, Q.T.P. * Filed. L.S.110, 1st Vol 1869. L.S.134, 1st Vol 1869. (see N. 35, 1st Vol/69) | Stanardsville Va, May 27th 1869 Is teaching school, has 45 scholars. Asks aid to the extent of ten (10) Dollars per mo; if not received will have to discontinue his school Refers to J.R. Stover, Richmond-| Index |

| 1869 July 23 ✓2 | Brown Chas C. (From War Dept. Bu: &c. * ✓Filed | Norfolk, Va, July 20th 1869 In reply to endorsement of 17th inst. States that many of the colored men discharged for voting the Republican Ticket have been employed again: that the wife of ✓Anthony Hill who was discharged from Norfolk & Petersburg R.R. is near Confinement and suffering for want of food. &c. | Index |

[[strikethrough]]| 1869 Oct 9th 3 | Bracket N.C. (see F. 14.) | Harpers Ferry Oct 2 1869  Encloses Rental Account for the Quarter ending September 30th 1869. | Index |[[/strikethrough]]
Transferred to "B". 2d Vol. L.R.1869.                   

Transcription Notes: