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[[4 columned table]]
| When Recd | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter | Endorsement and Memorandum. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1869 May 22d ✓1 | Cook, Geo. J. * Filed. L.S. 47, 1st Vol 1869.| Warrenton Va, May 20th. 1869.  States that a public meeting is to be held to listen to terms of deed transferring school building to trustees. Wishes instructions to read at meeting defining the right of the school to the building. ✓Henry Williams a trustee, and the only one of the three trustees that can write, has done much to hinder the progress of the school. |   |

| 1869 May 26th ✓2 | Cozzens, Z.A * Cor: Sec: Ed: Association Filed (see L.I. 1st Vol 1869) (L.S. 78, 1st Vol 1869)| Lynchburg. Va, May 20th. 1869. States that a vote of thanks was tendered Genl ✓Howard for the gift of the ✓Barrack Building at Camp Schofield for educational purposes. |   |

| 1869 May 28th ✓3 | Cozzens, Z.A. * Filed L.S. 96, 1st Vol 1869. (see L.I, 1st Vol 1869) | Lynchburg. Va, May 25th. 1869. Sends names of Board of Trustees of Educational Association. Wants about $250 to aid them in removing and rebuilding the school house. |   |

| 1869 July 23 ✓4 | Chockley Virginia * see L.S. 426.447+ & 450. Vol 2/69 Filed | Amherst C.H. Va. July 22/69 Desires to know what deficiency there was in her June school report.~ |   |

Transferred to "C." Vol 2d L.R. 1869.

Transcription Notes:
Cor: Sec: == Corresponding Secretary The : are just periods.