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When Received 
[[4-column table]]
| When Received | Name and rank of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter | Endorsement and Memorandum. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1869 May 15 ✓1 | Deane, Clara, A (From War Dept. Bureau &c) Filed * | Farmville Va, April 28th 1869.  States that there is a colored family occupying the basement of a barrack used for teachers quarters, and states that their bad character and filth necessitate their removal &c &c | This matter was attended to by the Supt. of Ed before the receipt of this letter. Miss Deane was advised to call upon the Mil: Com'r for assistance. |

| 1869 June 4th ✓ 2. | Douglas W  Dept Com'r Int'l [[Revd]] (From War Dept, Bureau &c) Filed. *  To await  Mr Mantz's trip to Warrenton | Washington D.C., June 1st, 1869  Encloses letters of ✓ Warren Cowles of Corry Pa, stating that one ✓ John Fox of Fauquier Co, Va died in 1859, and emancipated all his slaves 300 in number and directed that they be taken to Ohio and land purchased for them - Desires to know if the will is being executed, or set aside. |   |

| 1869 July 30. ✓ 3. | Dennis R.H. * L.S. 446. 2d vol 1869. See D. 4. Vol 1/69 ✓ Filed | Clarksville, Va, July 28th 1869  States he has been offered a large room for school purposes, at a rental of $6.00 per month, and wishes to know if he shall take it. &c ~ |   |

|1869 Aug 13 ✓ 4 | Dennis R.H. * (See L.S. 511. Vol 2/69) (See "D. 3." Vol 1/69) (see W. 97. Vol 1/69) ✓Filed | Clarksville, Va. Aug 5th 1869. States he has, according to order, moved the school - rent to date from Aug 1st at $6 per month, payable monthly. Encloses estimate of material and cost of benches. ~ |   |