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[4 columned table]
|When Recd.|Name & Rank of Writer|Date and Purport of letter.|Endorsement and Memorandum|
|June 15th 1869 ✓ 6|Halstead, H Enclosed in Y. 1 and 2, 1st Vol 1869.|Yorktown Va, June 11th 1869. The colored people at Yorktown had a lot given them adjoining or near the building at that place, onto which they wish to move it. At Fort Magruder no lot is to be purchased at present, but as soon as land comes into market, (expected soon) a lot will be purchased.|   |

|1869 June 18th ✓ 7|Harris, Jesse * ✓Filed|Jeffersonville, Tazewell Co, Va June 15th 1869. Mailed his report to General Thomas April 21st 1869. School closed May 24th 1869.|   |

|1869 June 23 ✓ 8|Henry E.A. Forwarded July 26/69 to Genl Howard. (see Endorsement) (see L.S. 454. Vol 2/69) Received back Septr 24th 1869 with W.15, and ✓Filed * L.S. 737. 2d Vol 1869.|Fairfax County, July 21/69  About the 12th June recd a letter stating that her reports had been received, and would be attended to. Since which time she has heard nothing more. on the subject. Wishes to know if she has been written to recently|Bureau R.F. and A.L. Richmond, Va. July 26th 1869  Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard U.S.A. Commissioner, inviting attention to endorsement of May 28th 1869, on letter of O.S.B. Wall, and requesting authority to pay Miss E.A. Henry the amount therein recommended, and, also, rent from June 1st 1869. at $6. per month.
R.M. Manly Supt. of Education.|

|1869 Oct 14 ✓ 9.|Hamlin Jr J.H. (L.S. 868. Vol 2d 1869.) ✓Filed. *|Poplar Mount, Va. Oct 9th 1869  Returns the three check, endorsed|   |

Transferred to "H." Vol 2d L.R. 1869.