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[[4 columned table]]
| When received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and purport of letter. | Endorsement and Memorandum 
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1869 May 2d  ✓ 1 |Lacey R.S. Insp'r of Schools (From War Dept. Bureau &c) Filed * (See L.S. 19, 1st Vol 1869) (See C.2, 1st Vol 1869) (See L.S. 77, 1st Vol 1869) (See C.3, 1st Vol 1869) Taken from file June 23d. 1869 & returned to Bvt: Major Genl. O.O. Howard, Com'r. See endorsement on page 133. Rec'd back, June 26th 1869 and ✓Filed. (See "L.5." Vol 2/69)| Lynchburg Va, April 23d 1869. Transmits petitions (of colored people of Lynchburg) for gift of one of government Barracks at Camp Schofield, Lynchburg, Va (for school purposes). Three Barracks have been borne on Bureau Returns. Urges that the petition be granted and that the Bureau waive all claims to the other two Barracks. States that two buildings were used and may still be required for Military purposes, and that the question of rent will be a serious one, if the bureau retains them. | Head Qrs. Asst. Com'r Dist. of Va Richmond Va, April 26th 1869.  Respectfully referred to Bvt: Maj. Geo. Q. White USA D.O. in connection with other papers in same case referred to him April 21st 1869. By order of the Asst. Commissioner (signed) Garrick Mallery Bvt: Col: U.S.A. A.A.I. Gen'l |
|   |   |   | Bureau R.F and A.L.  Office Disb. Officer Richmond Va, April 26th 1869. (see papers for rest of endorsements) |

| 1869 June 1st ✓ 2. | Lythgoe, Thos. I. * ✓ Filed. (L.S. 131, 1st Vol 1869) | Tower Hill, Appomattox Co. Va, May 27th 1869. States that he has been sent to take charge of school in place of R.F. Shemer resigned. Encloses vouchers sent by Maj White. |   |

|   | Endorsement on L.1. 1st Vol 1869. |   | Office Supt. of Ed, Ste of Va
Richmond Va, June 23d 1869.  Respectfully returned to Bvt. Major Gen'l O.O. Howard U.S.A. Commissioner.  Since the enclosed papers were referred to the Supt of Ed, April 30th 1869, he has visited Lynchburg and finds the following facts. 1st. The Military officer in command at Camp Schofield, Lynchburg has no use for but one of the buildings, and desires the removal of the other two.
2nd. A responsible board of colored Trustees has been formed and the two remaining buildings will be necessary for the construction of the school house, with fences and outbuildings. |

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