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[[four column table]]
| When Rec'd | Name and Rank of Writer | Date and purport of letter | Endorsement and Memorandum |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1869. July 8th/69 ✓ 5. | Mack, Bettie S. * ✓Filed L.S. 339 2d Vol 1869 | Charlotte CH, Va July 5th 1869. Replies to letter of June 30th. States that she is the teacher and that rent of rooms goes to her support.|   |

| 1869 July 11th ✓ 6 | Merrick W. Gordon * ✓Filed. (see W.58, 1st Vol/69)|Scottsville Va, July 8th 1869.  Replies to letter of July 3d. The school building is in process of construction, and will be completed by Oct. 1st 1869. Harvest time has prevented the progress of construction. | Official copy forwarded to Bvt Major Gen'l O.O. Howard U.S.A. Commissioner July 22/69, in connection with communication from War Dept, Bureau &c, dated July 1st 1869. R.M.M.|

| 1869 July 13th ✓ 7. | Murphy, Thos. G * ✓Filed (see L.S. 347, 2d Vol/69) (see A.7, 1st Vol. 1869) | Amelia CH. Va, July 12/69.  Replies to letter of 9th inst. and furnishes information relative to schools under his charge|   |

| 1869 July 22 ✓ 8. | McMahon Cha's W * see L.S. 444 Vol 2/69. (see "M.9") ✓ Filed | Appomattox C.H. Va, July 20/69
States, he is still teaching and expects to continue doing so, through the summer, if he can still get the monthly rent appropriation. Requests some blank school reports.|   |

| 1869 July 28 ✓ 9. | McMahon Cha's W. * (See "M.8.") ✓Filed | Appomattox C.H. Va. July 23/69  To 1st July received from the P.B. A.F.U. Com: $25 per month. As the school year has closed, does not expect any assistance from them, but will continue the school upon the little he can get from the colored people, and desires that his rent may be continued. |   |

Transcription Notes:
Add space before and after each pipe.