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[[4 column table]]
| When received | Name & rank of writer | Date and purport of Letter | Endorsement and Memorandum |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1869 April 22d ✓ 1 | N.E. Branch, F.U. Com. by S.D. Lane ✓Filed * | Boston, Mass, April 21st 1869.
Ask whether, excluding Richmond and Charlottesville, rent is paid by the Bureau for any school buildings in Va used by their Soc. Wishes those specified that are owned by the government, as they wish to ask for them for their society. |   |

| 1869 June 23d ✓ 2 | N.E. Branch, F.U.C. by S. Crocker for Teachers Committe. (From War Dep't. Bureau &c) Filed  Taken from file June 29th 1869 and returned to War Dept, Bureau &c. (see endorsement)
L.S. 298 & 299, 2d Vol/69. Rec'd back July 2d 1869 and filed. L.S. 321, 2d Vol 1869. (L.S. 691, 2d Vol/69) (see W.126, 1st Vol/69) {Taken from file and filed with voucher No. 3, Ab. D. September 1869. | Boston Mass, June 18th 1869.  Writes relative to the condition of School House at Charlottesville, Va. States that they wrote Mr Manly, the Teachers and Mr Abell one of the Trustees of the land expressing the hope that the $600. promised by the Commissioner, Bureau &c and $600 more added by subscription would be sufficient, but learn from Mr Manly that it will not be and asks that the balance be appropriated by the Bureau. | War Dept, Bureau R.F & A.Lands  Washington June 21st 1869.
Respectfully referred to R.M. Manly, Supt. of Ed. Ste of Va for remarks. By order of Maj. Gen'l O.O. Howard (signed) E. Whittlesey, A.A.A.G | 
|   |   |   | Richmond Va, June 29th 1869. Respectfully returned to the Maj. Gen'l Com'r, strongly recommending that a specific sum be appropriated to aid the N.E. Br, F.U. Com. in erecting a school h'se at Charlottesville, and that the Soc. furnish its own plan for the building, and secure such aid from the Freedmen & from other sources as they may be able, and conduct the enterprise of erecting the house through its own agents. The reasons for these recommendations are stated in accompanying communication.  R.M. Manly Supt of Ed. |

| 1869 June 24th ✓ 3. | N.Y.B., F.U. Com. by Josephine. S. Lowell Secretary Forwarded to Bvt. Maj. Gen'l O.O. Howard. U.S.A., Commissioner, Approved. June 29/69 RM | New York. June 1869. Schedule of Schools and rental accounts of the N.Y.B. F.U.C. for the term ending June 30th 1869, for Ste of Va. Amount $1080.00 | This rental account embraces all the schools of the Society to June 30th 1869. Thirty two teachers at Alexandria, Richmond, Lawrenceville, Pittsylvania CH, White Plains, West Point Ch, Marion, Ayletts, Christiansburg, Kg Wm C.H., Eltham, New Kent CH, Wellsville, Emmaus, Abingdon, Maysville. |

| 1869 July 26 ✓ 4 | Nelson Israel (From War Dept. Bu: &c) (See "W.46." Vol 1/69.) | Salem, Va, July 18th 1869.  In behalf of the colored people of Salem. Asks for aid in erecting a building for church and School purposes. | Bu: F.R. and A.L.  Washington, D.C. July 24/69  Respectfully referred to R.M. Manly, Supt of Ed. for Va. By order of Major Genl O.O. Howard, Comr. (signed) Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A.Genl |