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| --- | --- | --- | --- |
|   |   |   | Richmond, Va. Aug 6th 1869  Respectfully returned to Bvt. Major General O.O. 
Howard, U.S.A. Commissioner. Approved, there being no other objection to the account, as originally presented, except the fact that the average attendance, in one of the Schools, did not reach thirty (30) pupils to each teacher. R.M. Manly Supt. of Education. |

| 1869 Aug 9th ✓10 | Stowell W.H.H. * (See "S.8." Vol 1/69) ✓Filed. | Manchester, Va Aug 6th 1869 Acknowledges receipt of Com'r enclosing deed transferring the School House at Halifax C.H. to certain persons, named within, and encloses receipt, in duplicate, for the same. |   |

| 1869 Sept 13th ✓ 11. | Schaeffer, C.S. Asst Supt. Ed (see W.100) ✓Filed * | Christiansburg Va, Sep't 11th 1869  Was born in Germantown, Philadelphia Pa. |   |

| 1869 Sept 25th ✓ 12 | Seals, Dread * (Colored) L.S. 744, 2d. Vol/69 ✓ Filed | Glade Springs Va, Sep't 23d/69.  Wishes to know if Matilda J. Taylor received pay for rents of school building at Glade Spring, from Jan 1st to Ap'l 30th 1869 at $10 per mo. as the pay is due to him. |   |

| 1869 Sept 24 ✓ 13 | Schaeffer C.S. Asst. Supt of Schools * ✓Filed. | Christiansburg, Va. Septemr 20th 1869  Report of tour of inspection throughout the several counties in his district |   |

Transferred to "S." 2d Vol. L.R. 1869.