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[[4 columned table]]
| When Rec'd | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and purport of letter | Endorsement and Memorandum |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1869 May 19th ✓ 9. | War Dept. Bureau &c by E. Whittlesey * A.A.A. Gen'l ✓Filed | Washington, May 18th 1869. Returns letter 34, with order to visit Norfolk, Portsmouth & Hampton Va & their vicinities. |   |

| 1869 May 20th ✓ 10. | War Dept. Bureau &c by E. Whittlesey A.A.A. Gen'l Filed  Taken from File, and filed with abstract D. May 1869. as Sub voucher to voucher No. 1 | Washington, May 19th 1869.  Returns letter No 30, requesting authority to rent an office at $20.83/100 per mo, and fitting up same with shelving not to exceed $25. Approved. |   |

| 1869 May 20th ✓ 11. | War Dept. Bureau &c by E. Whittlesey * A.A.A. Genl ✓Filed | Washington May 15th 1869.  Returns letter No. 29, requesting authority to rent 12 Rooms & Houses, in various parts of the state, for school purposes, approved. |   |

| 1869 May 20th ✓ 12. | War Dept, Bureau &c by E. Whittlesey A.A.A. Gen'l ✓Filed L.S. 65, 1st Vol 1869 (see G. 2, 1st Vol 1869) (see W. 47, 1st Vol/69) | Washington May 19th 1869.  Returns letter No. 39, requesting authority to expend $45 for repairs upon Freedmens School Hse at New Gardner, Russell Co Va approved.  Taken from file July 10th 1869 and filed with voucher No 1. abstract 
"D" June 1869. |   |

| 1869 May 20th ✓ 13. | War Dept, Bureau &c by Geo. W. Balloch * Chf. D. Off. ✓Filed (see L.S. 35, 1st Vol 1869 | Washington D.C, May 20th 1869.  Sends check 5398 on U.S. Asst. Treas. at N.Y. for $47.10/100, in payment of actual cost of transportation, receipted vouchers for same having been received. |   |

| 1869 May 25th ✓ 14. | War Dept, Bureau &c by J.W. Alvord * Gen'l Supt. Schools Circular Letter ✓Filed | Washington D.C, May 24th 1869.  The Commissioner desires that great care be used in preparing and forwarding reports. Reports will be returned if incorrect. Attention called to note on blank requiring returns as soon as possible after close of the month. |   |

Transcription Notes:
* <-- I'm thinking these stars are just filing notation and may not need transcribing, but I'll keep on typing them.