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[[4 columned table]]
| When rec'd | Name & rank of writer | Date and purport of letter | Endorsement and Memorandum |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1869 June 2d ✓ 25. | War Dept, Bureau &c by J.W. Alvord * Genl. Supt. Sch. ✓Filed. | Washington D.C, June 1st 1869.  Has forwarded 12 copies Teachers daily school Register |   |

| 1869 June 3d ✓ 26 | War Dept. Bureau &c by S.A. Ferry for Geo. W. Balloch * Chf. D.O. ✓Filed. (see L.S. 103, 1st Vol/69) | Washington D.C, June 2d 1869.  Encloses check on Asst. Treas. at NY for $49.35/100 to pay May vouchers, viz: Postage $21.75/100, Transpn. $18.10/100, J. Frannun $9.50/100. |   |

| 1869 June 3d ✓ 27. | War Dept, Bureau &c by E. Whittlesey * A.A.A.G. ✓Filed (see A. 1, 1st Vol/69) | Washington D.C, June 2d 1869.  Sends official copy of endorsement on letter of S.C. Armstrong, Insp'r. &c, relative to School Buildings, at Drummondtown, Yorktown and Fort Magruder, Va, showing action of Bureau thereon. |   |

| 1869 June 4th ✓ 28. | War Dept, Bureau &c by H.M. Whittelsey Chf. Q.M, &c * ✓Filed. | Washington D.C, June 3d 1869.  Returns letter No. 105, relative to stationery and printing, with the information that "requisitions in "duplicate as per form enclosed (No 40 Q.M. Dept) will be made for one months supply of stationery. Printing required will be executed at Bureau Hd Qrs. There seems to be no necessity at present for making provisions for printing Circulars or Circular letters. |   |

| 1869 June 4th ✓ 29. | War Dept, Bureau &c by E. Whittlesey * A.A.A.Gl ✓Filed | Washington D.C, June 3d 1869.  Returns letter 98, requesting copy of "Land Report" of Asst. Comr of Va for month ending April 30th 1869, with copy enclosed. |   |