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[[4 column table]]
| When Rec'd | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and purport of letter | Endorsement and Memorandum |
|1869 June 10th ✓ 34.|War Dep't, Bureau &c by E. Whittlesey A.A.A.G Filed L.S. 164, 1st Vol/69 (see V.2, 1st Vol 1869)|Washington D.C, June 8th 1869.  Returns letter No 133, requesting authority to expend $50 to aid in construction of a Freedmens School at Pamphilus Depot, Appomattox Co. Va, approved.|Taken from file Aug 14th 1869, and filed with voucher No 2 Abstract "D", July 1869.|

|1869 June 10th ✓ 35|War Dep't, Bureau &c by E. Whittlesey A.A.A.G * ✓ Filed (see B1, 1st Vol/69.|Washington D.C, June 8th 1869. v Returns letter 134, requesting authority to rent rooms for school purposes at Stannardsville, Green Co. and Brooke Turnpike, Henrico Co, Va approved.| 

|1869 June 11th ✓ 36.|War Dept, Bureau &c by J.W. Alvord Gen'l Supt. Sch. * ✓Filed (see L.S. 104, 1st Vol/69|Washington, D.C, June 10th 1869.  Has forwarded 300 copies of Educational Form No 3.|   |

|1869 June 11th ✓ 37.|War Dept, Bureau &c by J.W. Alvord Gen'l. Supt. Sch * ✓Filed|Washington D.C, June 10th 1869.  When stationery is required, monthly requisitions, in duplicate (Form 40 Q.M. Dept.) should be forwarded to these Head Quarters, where provision will be made for all printing absolutely necessary. Circulars &c not to be issued unless approved by the Commissioner|   |

|1869 June 15th ✓ 38.|War Dept, Bureau &c by G.W. Balloch * Chf. D.O. ✓Filed (see L.S. 193, 2d Vol 1869)|Washington D.C. June 14th 1869.  Report of "persons and articles hired" for May 1869 has been received, and one copy returned herewith as requested.|   |

|1869 June 15th ✓ 39.|War Dept. Bureau &c by Geo. W. Balloch * Chf D.O. ✓Filed|Washington D.C, June 14th 1869  Returns letter No 148, stating that if "the National Bank cannot furnish you "with a check Book, put the money "into the Freedmens Savings Bank|   |

Transcription Notes:
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