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| When rec'd | Name & rank of writer | Date and purport of letter | Endorsement and Memorandum |
|   |   |that Mr. Manly will in a few days receive a copy of a circular, already issued, relating to quarterly requisitions for stationery, and providing that printing of the character requested, will not be done at Bureau expense.|   |
|1869 June 23d ✓ 50. |War Dept, Bureau &c by Henry M. Whittlesey Chf. Q.M. * Filed (see W.48, 1st Vol/69) L.S. 302, 2d Vol/69 (see W.70, 1st Vol/69) (see W.59, 1st Vol/69)|Washington, June 22d 1869. Returns letter 125, enclosing property returns for May 1869, stating that "the authority for the purchase reported on abstract D, is not furnished. It is required. Stationery issued and expended should be accounted for on abstract I, and not on abstract L, as on the enclosed returns. Form 42 Q.M.D, may be used as a voucher to abstract 2, but nothing but stationery should be entered thereon. the papers referred, to in the within communication are returned herewith, except copy of Form 42, returned on 17th. inst. which was inadvertently approved."|   |

|1869 June 24th ✓ 51.|War Dept, Bureau &c by E. Whittlesey A.A.A.Gen'l  Filed. Handed to Dr. T. Braxton July 7th 1869.|Washington D.C, June 22d 1869. Returns letter 270. Stating that "no other way is known of collecting bills of this kind except by the usual process of law. Dr. (T) Braxton✓ has no claim against the government.|   |

|1869 June 24th ✓52.|War Dept, Bureau &c by Geo. W. Balloch * Chf. D.O. ✓Filed. (see L.S. 268, 2d Vol 1869) (see L.S. 274, 2d Vol 1869)|Washington D.C, June 23d 1869.  Encloses check 6599 for $144.50/100 to pay ten (10) vouchers as herein named.|   |