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[[4 columned table]]
| When Rec'd | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and purport of letter | Endorsement and Memorandum |
|1869 July 8 ✓ 62.|War Department, Bu &c by E. Whittlesey A.A.A.Genl * ✓Filed.|Washington, D.C. July 7th 1869. Returned letter No 328. (requesting authority to rent for school purpose, Room at Poplar Mt. Va. House at Smithfield. Building at Lunenburg C.H. Va and one at Hanover Junction, Va) Approved.|   |

|1869 July 11 ✓ 63.|War Department, Bu &c by Henry M. Whittlesey * A.A.A.Genl (see R.3, 1st Vol/69) ✓Filed.|Washington, D.C. July 10th 1869. Returns letter No 335. (recommending that the rent of the Orphan Asylum, at Richmond, be reduced from $50. to $25 per month) Approved.|   |

|1869 July 11 ✓ 64.|War Department, Bu &c by Henry M. Whittlesey * A.A.A.Genl L.S. 422, 2d Vol 1869. (See "S.6." Vol 1/69) ✓Filed.|Washington, D.C. July 10th 1869. Returns letter No 336. (requesting the appointment of Mr. C.I. Schaeffer, as Ass. Supt. Schools for South Western Dist. of Va.) with appointment enclosed, as requested.|   |

|1869 July 13 ✓ 65.|War Department, Bu: &c by Henry M. Whittlesey * A.A.A.Genl (L.S. 344, 2d Vol/69) ✓Filed.|Washington, D.C. July 12th 1869  Returns letter No 344. (requesting authority to rent for school purposes, House at Norfolk, Va, and room at Tower Hill, Va.) Approved.|   |

|1869 July 13 ✓ 66|Waring O.M. (see P.2, 1st Vol 1869) * ✓Filed.|Winchester, Va, July 5th 1869
States that letter of June 29th to Rev. E. Hatfield, N.Y. enquiring after missing school reports, has been referred to him with the request that he will supply them from his files. 
Said Reports are herewith enclosed.|   |

|1869 July 13 ✓ 67.|War Department Bur &c by Geo. W. Balloch * Chief D.O. &c ✓Filed. (L.S. 323, 2d Vol 69)|Washington, D.C. July 9th 1869. Enclosed check No 6769 on U.S. Treasury, for $1,154.47 to pay sundry vouchers, named within.|   |