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[[4 column table]]
| When Rec'd | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and purport of letter | Endorsement and Memorandum |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
|1869 July 13 ✓ 68.|War Department, Bu &c by Geo: W. Balloch * Chief D.O. &c ✓Filed. (L.S. 316, 2d vol 1869) |Washington, D.C. July 10/69 Encloses check No 6038. on Asst. Treasurer for N.Y. for $28.00 to pay Sundry persons, named within.|   |

|1869 July 13 ✓ 69.| War Department.Bu:& by J.W. Alvord. Genl. Supt. Schools. * Filed. | Washington, D.C. July 7th 1869. States, the Commissioner wishes him to hurry up his next report, therefore requests that dispatch be given to all the material due him, especially that which he has recently been asking for. ~ |   |

|1869 July 13 ✓ 70.| War Dept. Bu: &. by H.M. Whittlesey * Chief Q.Mr (see N.50, 1st Vol 1869) ✓ Filed.| Washington, D.C. July 6th 1869. Acknowledges receipt of Property Account, Stores pertaining to Bu: R. F. and A.L. for the month of May, 1869. ~ |   |

|1869. July 17 ✓ 71| War Dept. Bu: &. by J.W. Alvord Genl. Supt. Schools, (L.S.341. 2d Vol 1869) ✓Filed. * | Washington, D.C. July 16th, 1869. States, will answer communication of the 8th inst as soon as reply of the Comm'r (who is now in Hartford) is received. ~
|   |

|1869 July 21 ✓ 72. | War Department, Bu: & by Geo: W. Balloch * Chief D.O. ✓Filed. (L.S. 408. 2d Vol 1869 | Washington, D.C. July 20th 1869 Encloses check, No 6822, on U.S. Treasury for $129.00/100 to pay Sundry Vouchers, named within. ~ |   |

|1869 July 22 ✓ 73. | War Department, Bu: & by Geo: W. Balloch * Chief D.O. ✓Filed. (L.S. 412, 2d vol 1869) |Washington, D.C. July 21, 1869 Encloses Check No 1823. U.S. Treasury, for $109.59/100 to pay Sundry Voucher, named within. |   |

|1869 July 22 ✓ 74.| War Department Bu: & by H.M. Whittlesey * A.A.A.Genl ✓Filed. | Washington, D.C. July 23 1869 Returns letter No 423. (requesting permission to rent certain places (named within) for school purposes) Approved. |   |