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When Recd | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter | Endorsements and Memorandum
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1869 Aug 15th ✓ 94 | War Department Bu: &c by H. M. Whittlesey A.A.A. Gen'l (see F. 13) (L.S. 103 2nd vol 1869) Filed (see W. 130.) | Washington D. C. Aug 14th 1869. Returns letter No 509 (recommending appropriation of $100 and $50, for purchase of building material for school house at Various places, named in said letter) approved. | Taken from file and filed with voucher No 1 ab. D, September 1869 |

| 1869 Aug 15th ✓ 95 | War Department Bu. &c by Henry M. Whittlesey * A.A.A.G. ✓Filed | Washington D.C. Aug 14th 1869  Returns letter No 510, (requesting authority to rent, for school purposes, house and room at Sundry places) Approved. |

| 1869 Aug 17th ✓ 96. | War Department, Bu. &c by Henry M. Whittlesey, A.A.A.G. * ✓Filed | Washington, D.C. Aug 16th 1869  Returns, approved, retained copies of vouchers No 1 abstract I. and No 7 abstract L. property a/cs Bu. 
R.F. and A.L. for July 1869 as requested. |   |

| 1869 Aug 18th ✓ 97 | War Department Bu. &c. by Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A.G. (see D. 4, 1st Vol 1869) Filed | Washington D.C. Aug 16th 1869 Returns letter No 511. (requesting an appropriation of $55. for repairing school house at Clarksville, Va.) approved. | Taken from file and filed with Vou. No. 7 ab. D. Sept 1869 |

| 1869 Aug 18th ✓ 98 | War Department Bu. &c. G. Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A.G. * ✓Filed. | Washington D. C. Aug 16th 1869. Returns letter No 572 (requesting authority to sent boom at Clarksville, Mecklenburg Co. Va, for school purposes, from Aug 1/69. Rent $6.00 per month.) Approved. |   | 

| 1869 Aug 18. ✓ 99. | War Department Bu. &c by J.W. Alvord Gen'l Supt. Schools, * ✓Filed. | Washington D. C. Aug 17th 1869. States check Twenty (20) blank, (Ed, Form No 6.) have this day been forwarded |   |

Transcription Notes:
Bu: &c = Bureau etcetera (Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands)