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[[4 columned table]]
|When Received|Name & Rank of Writer|Date and purport of letter|Endorsement and Memorandum|

|1869 Septem 24.  ✓130.|War Department, Bu &c by Geo. W. Balloch Chief D.O. See L.S. 734. 2d Vol 1869 ✓Filed. (see W.94)|Washington, D.C. Septemr 23d 1869 Encloses check No 6992, on Asst Treasurer at New York for $50.00 to vouchers within named.|   |

|1869 Sept 25.  ✓131.|Washburn Andrew Supt of Public Schools Richmond, Va (From War Dept, Bu &c) *  ✓Filed.|Washington, D.C. Sept 20th 1869  States that they are in trouble relative to school arrangements in Richmond, in view of Cir of Aug 14th, 1869. Rents were estimated at about $4000, and the number of teachers wholly paid by the City is such that the per Capita rental will amount to about as much more, that the poverty of the City forbids the hope of an additional appropriation, and refers to an interview with the Com. in which he was promised aid from the Bureau as to rents of buildings &c, also that he has fully explained the matter to Mr Alvord, and that without the expected aid from the Bureau the Board of Education will not be able to meet contracts made upon assurances made by Ms Manly and himself, &c.|   |

|1869 Sept 25.  ✓132| War Department, Bu &c by Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A.Genl. * 
 ✓Filed.|Washington, D.C. Septem'r 24th 1869. Returns letter No. 709, requesting authority to rent two (2) buildings at Petersburg, Va, for school purposes from Sept 1st 1869. Rent $40 & $60 per month, the same to be paid to R.G. Greene. Approved.|   |