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[[4 columned table]]
|When Received|Name and Rank of Writer|Date and purport of letter|Endorsement and Memorandum|
|   |   |   |time business connected with certain leased buildings in Norfolk, and the erection of a new building in Portsmouth required attention. I sent Mr Spencer as the person best informed in regards to those matters, whom I could control.  R.M. Manly  Supt of Education|

|1869 Oct 13th ✓ 150.|War Department, Bu. &c by Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl. (See "W. 160." Vol 2/69.) ✓Filed.|Washington, D.C. Oct 12th, 1869  Returns letter No. 809 (requesting permission to expend $165. in the purchase of additional school furniture for the Normal & High School of Richmond, and to repair the same building) Approved on condition that the additional school furniture be made permanent school fixtures, and so described in voucher|   |

|1869 Oct 13th ✓ 151|Waring O.M. * ✓Filed|Winchester, Va. Oct 11th 1869
Sends addresses of teachers and locations of schools|---|

|1869 Oct 16. ✓ 152|War Department, Bu. &c by Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A Genl (see A.15, 2d vol 1869) Filed, with Vou 6. Ab D Oct/69|Washington, D.C. Oct 15th 1869  Returns letter No 821 (requesting authority to expend certain Sums mentioned therein, for repairs to School House at the following places, Viz: Bush Creek, Salem, Big Lick, Clover Dale, Buchanan and Eltham, Va) Approved.|   |

Transferred to Page 212 — "R".

Transcription Notes:
Endorsement continued from previous page