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[[4 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1869. Decem 15. ✓ 236. | War Department Bu: etc by Henry M. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl * ✓ Filed. | Washington, D.C. Dec. 14. 1869 Returns letter No 1322. (requesting authority to rent a room at Clarksville, Va. for School. purposes, at a cost of $6.00 per month) Approved |   |

| 1869. Decem 15. ✓ 237 | War Department, Bu: etc by J.M. Brown Chief Q.M. * ✓ Filed. | Washington, D.C. Decem 14, 1869, Returns Voucher (Retained Copies) to Abstracts I. & L.  Property Accts Bureau R.F. and A.L. Oct. 1869. Approved, as requested.|   |

| 1869 Decem 16. ✓ 238 | War Department, Bu: etc by H. M. Whittlesey A.A.A. Genl * (See endorsement) (see W.244) LS.1394, 3d vol/69 LS. 1414, 3d vol/69 Received back Decem 24/69 and Filed. ✓ Copy of Contract filed. | Washington, D.C. December 14, 1869 Returns letter No 1306. (requesting permission to expend Seven hundred ($700.00) Dollars in the erection of a School House in Northumberland Co, Va, on land deeded to Trustees for that purpose by Laura W. Stebbins) for report as to the fact that the requirements as to the deed has been complied with. ~ | Office Supt of Education 
Richmond, December 16. 1869 Respectfully returned to Bvt Major Genl O.O. ✓ Howard U.S.A. Commissioner, with the information that the requirements as to the deeds have been complied with. R.M. Manley Supt of Education |

| 1869 December 18. ✓ 239 | War Department, Bu: etc By Geo: W. Balloch Chief D.O. (See endorsement) | Washington, D.C. December 17, 1869, Returns Vouchers in favor of John Bowers ✓ for $200.00 together with Authority for the expenditure, and states, it will be necessary to conform to the pencil instructions found on one of the vouchers, to make them proper vouchers for payment. ~ | Office Supt of Education 
Richmond, December 18.1869, Respectfully returned to Bvt. Brig. Genl Geo W. Balloch Chief D.O. with items inserted as directed - Services are embraced in cost of materials R.M. Manly Supt of Education |