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[[3 column table]]
| When Received | Name & Rank of Writer | Date and Purport of Letter | 

| 1870. Febr 26th Filed √1 | Hawes J. H. (From W. H. Bu: &c) √Filed | Washington, D. C. February 10th/" 1870. Refers to Genl Horvard for such aid as he may be able to under, the letter of D. A. Birchett, a destitute school teacher in Norfolk, Va. |

| 1870. March 15. √2| Harris William * See S.3. Vol  1/70. √Filed | Providence R.I. March 14. 1870 Wishes to get some information relative to his two sons, Charles and William H Harris, who are now living with Col James W Whitten, in Tazewell County, Va. |

| 1870. Aprl 12 √3. | Harris Jesse * Teacher √Filed. | Cedar Bluff Va Apl 12th 1870 States that his school closed on the 6th of April. |

| 1870 June 8th √4. | Home & Foreign E.M. Society * by Gen Geo. Adams Forwarded June 20/70, to War Dept. Suite. Bur &c Vol 1/70. fol 17. Letter √filed | Alexandria, Va, June 6, 1870. Forwards Rental Account of the "Beulah" Normal and Theological School for the term ending June 1st 1870. |